Artist Statement:
Over the past 30 years I have collaborated on over 100 film projects as a Director of Photography. I have relied on the alchemy of sciences, history, and technical skills funneled through a viewfinder and a lens to distil visual order out of the emotional narratives set before me.
As a mixed-media artist, I’m using the same creative alchemy to explore an even more intricate story I observe playing out on our natural stage.
In their own way, these works celebrate nature’s unbounded spaces by framing its geometries, linear progressions and algorithms. By refining the basic elements of line, color and texture from the west coast landscapes around me, I pair nature’s complexities down to an appreciable moment of sublime wordless understanding.
My intent is to capture the pondering presence we get from nature, not as it appears but as it feels to experience: incomprehensible, indescribable, and often very chaotic.
Unconventionally constructed with various colored fibers, metal foils, and glass tile, my painted canvases express the same underlying concept that I strive for as a cinematographer: Emotional narratives with kinetic energy.